High CPC Keywords & Google Adsense Alternatives

High CPC Keywords & Google Adsense Alternatives: High CPC keywords are those for which advertisers on platforms such as Google AdWords pay more than..

High CPC Keywords & Google Adsense Alternatives

High CPC Keywords & Google Adsense AlternativesHigh CPC keywords are those for which advertisers on platforms such as Google AdWords pay more than others. And you as a blogger make more money with those keywords than others. CPC stands for Cost Per Click. It's the price you pay for every click on your PPC (pay-per-click) marketing campaign if you are an advertiser.

High CPC Keywords

If you have a main page in AdSense. Therefore, it is very important to know which keywords have a high and which have a low CPC. Because how much you earn at the end of the month with Google Adsense depends entirely on the type of CPC keywords used.

Let's see if we get noticed more often. Several sites begin to work at the same time, but the income from each site is very high. Again, the site's earnings are relatively small.

The main reason for this income difference is CPC. In other words, a website powered by high CPC keywords. This page gets more revenue. A website that works with keywords has a low CPC. The income for this side will be relatively small.

Here’s how you can make more money with higher CPC keywords. This is the main reason for writing today's article. So if you mainly focus on Google Adsense. And you want to earn more from this Adsense than other Adsense. So I hope that today's article will help you.

Google Adsense High CPC Keywords

Many of us blog as a hobby or some as a passive income platform. But here we are blogging from any place but at last everyone has a hope to earn from that blog site by connecting Google AdSense.

And if we want to earn good quality money from this blog site then we have to keep in mind several ways to move ahead. You may not get very good or expected results by blogging without a plan.

So I think you should follow some specific methods if you want to earn from Google Adsense.

By following a few tips, you can start earning monthly income from the comfort of your own home using the Google AdSense platform. Enter and search Bangla High CPC Keywords, High CPC Keywords, Most Expensive Keywords, List of High CPC Keywords, High YouTube CPC Keywords, High CPC Keywords Blog Click etc.

For example, if you run a Google Ads (Google Adsense) campaign and get 1,000 clicks on that ad at a cost of $2,000, your CPC will be $1. That's why we call it an average CPC of $1. A click on an ad costs $1, which is known as the CPC. I hope this helps you understand what your current CPC is.

The only income from bloggers and YouTube is Google Adsense. However, these Google Adsense ads are served by different companies of Google. You can view these announcements on our blog (Blogger) or on our YouTube channel (YouTube).

When a visitor clicks on an ad served by Google (Google AdSense) on our website or YouTube, we make dollars from that click. The ads therefore belong to different CPC or CPC categories. Any niche or keyword called CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPC().

If you have trouble reading the content, please watch the video below.

We publish technology-related posts daily. Visit this link to get it.

Keyword research evaluates all of the keywords you discover and determines which ones are most valuable to your SEO efforts. You can use many free and paid online tools to do this. Keyword score provides information such as historical conversion rates for a given number of keywords. This is very important information that will help you decide which keywords to use for a given keyword.

After using search to narrow down a large initial list, we now have all of those important keywords.

Also Read: How To Install High CPC Cookies In Firefox To Increase Google Adsense Earning

High CPC Keywords For Blog

High CPC Keywords For Blog

1. Insurance $12.41 CPC

2. Education $37 CPC

3. Marketing & Advertising $32 CPC

4. Online Banking $19 CPC

5. Finance & Investing $32 CPC

6. Lifestyle $16 CPC

7. Photography & Film Making $11 CPC

8. Software $21 CPC

9. Web Hosting $13 CPC

10. Automotive $19 CPC

11. Real Estate $12 CPC

12. Medical $18 CPC

What's CPC? 

CPC or cost-per-click (CPC) is the amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. Expanded CPC keywords allow businesses to target subscribers who take their services and products seriously.

To be clear, if a plumber has a high-quality keyword like "plumbing," they can charge Croesus extra for each click on their ad. They are qualified to find and deliver what other plumbing services are looking for in the area.

What are high CPC keywords? 

Contextual advertising is a difficult topic to understand. Even those with traditional advertising experience confuse the idea of ​​keyword bidding and pay-per-click. Knowing which PPC campaigns increase CPC is very important. Understanding the value of these high CPC keywords can help you improve your campaigns, reduce costs, and ultimately increase your ROI.

High CPC keywords are usually long phrases with little competition. Finding these keywords requires trial and error and studying your competitors. You can also use this list of 100+ CPC keywords in AdSense.

A CPC keyword is a high CPC keyword. They tend to be the most competitive as they are in high demand and have a high number of viewable clicks. The CPC is determined by how many people search for that keyword in a search engine and how much they are willing to pay for advertising.

Examples of high CPC keywords are "plumber" and "auto insurance".

The first secret that isn't really a secret is writing great headlines. Get the right address and 8 out of 10 people will click to read your content.

High CPC keyword list | High CPC keywords 

Keywords: CPC

  • Insurance: $54.91
  • Loans: $44.28
  • Mortgage: $47.12
  • Attorney: $47.07
  • Credit: $36.06
  • Lawyer: $42.51
  • Donate: $42.02
  • Degree: $40.61
  • Hosting: $31.91
  • Claim: $45.51
  • Conference Call: $42.05
  • Trading: $33.19
  • Software: $35.29
  • Recovery: $42.03
  • Transfer: $29.86
  • Gas/Electricity: $54.62
  • Classes: $35.04
  • Rehab: $33.59
  • Treatment: $37.18
  • Cord Blood: $27.80
  • Insurance: $54
  • Lance: $44
  • On the mortgage: $47
  • Attorney: $47
  • Credit : $36
  • Lauer: $42
  • Donate: $42
  • Degree: $40
  • Hosting : $31
  • Claim: $45
  • Conference call: $42
  • Trading : $33
  • Software: $35
  • Recovery: $42
  • Transfer: $29
  • Gas/Electricity: $54
  • Classes: $35
  • Rehab: $33
  • Treatment: $37
  • Card Blood : $27 

High CPC niches | High CPC Adsense Keywords List 

High CPC niches  High CPC Adsense Keywords List

  1. Auto insurance quote - $29.25
  2. Workers' Compensation Insurance - $103.02
  3. Car insurance quote - $97.61
  4. Compare Car Insurance Online - $93.57
  5. Buy car insurance online - $89.65
  6. Auto Insurance - $86.77
  7. Commercial Auto Insurance - $84.74
  8. Small Business Insurance - $82.63
  9. Professional Compensation - $80.54
  10. General Liability Insurance - $77.06ll
  11. E&O Insurance - $76.07
  12. Business Insurance - $75.26ell
  13. Car insurance - $75.20
  14. Insurance quote - $73.91
  15. Motorcycle Lawyer - $317.61
  16. Automobile Accident Lawyer - $244.03
  17. Auto Injury Lawyer - $241.30
  18. Accident Claims Lawyers - $239.51
  19. Mesothelioma Law Firm - $232.67
  20. Accident attorney - $222.56
  21. Accident Lawyer Firm - $214.14
  22. Accident Lawyer - $189.58
  23. Car wreck lawyer - $186.39

High CPC countries | Highest CPC keywords 

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • feel
  • Canada
  • Finland
  • Denmark
  • The Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Suerland
  • New Zealand
  • Italy
  • Brazil

High CPC keyword for youtube | Highest CPC keywords

High CPC keywords are very important to increase your income on YouTube and AdSense blog. If you can't choose the right keywords, you won't be able to generate the right revenue from your dream website and YouTube channel.

Here are some of the best pay per click keywords that will double your YouTube channel or website revenue. I hope this post is a great resource for you.

List of YouTube Highest CPC Keywords in Google AdSense 

Also, Google AdSense for YouTube and blog sites lists the keywords with the highest CPC. The list is presented below with different categories and niches. Here we have selected a list of the top paying keywords for your YouTube channel and website. By watching them you can increase the CPC of your YouTube channel and website.

List of Best Highest CPC Keywords in Google AdSense for Bloggers and YouTubers

You cannot make money from your blog and website at the same time, even if you have a lot of traffic on your website. In addition, the main source of income is Google AdSense. This is because the keywords you use may not pay you much CPC (cost per click). You won't get big rewards in these areas. This doesn't mean you won't get traffic. This means that your website's CPC is very low. It is exactly the same as buying from Google AdSense.

So here we are talking about the best paying AdSense keywords. If you stay away from these keywords, you can easily make huge sums of money with very little traffic.

However, if you can't use these words directly due to heavy competition, you should use these words when using them in long sentences. In fact, at this point you really want to raise a decent amount from here.

So what does it mean to have more control over your website and blog? You don't get many benefits, but you do need high CPC keywords. In fact, there are several keywords that can help you get the maximum reward. In this article, we list the most expensive keywords that can make you over $100 a day using Google AdSense.

We have a huge list of the most profitable keywords. You can use these keywords to get more traffic and make good money. The top paying AdSense keywords for YouTube and websites are:

Highest CPC Keywords List For YouTube And Bolg

  • Keywords: CPC
  • Insurance: $54.91
  • Loans: $44.28
  • Mortgage: $47.12
  • Attorney: $47.07
  • Credit: $36.06
  • Lawyer: $42.51
  • Donate: $42.02
  • Degree: $40.61
  • Hosting: $31.91
  • Claim: $45.51
  • Conference Call: $42.05
  • Trading: $33.19
  • Software: $35.29
  • Recovery: $42.03
  • Transfer: $29.86
  • Gas/Electricity: $54.62
  • Classes: $35.04
  • Rehab: $33.59
  • Treatment: $37.18
  • Cord Blood: $27.80
  • Insurance: $54
  • Lance: $44
  • On the mortgage: $47
  • Attorney: $47
  • Credit : $36
  • Lauer: $42
  • Donate: $42
  • Degree: $40
  • Hosting : $31
  • Claim: $45
  • Conference call: $42
  • Trading : $33
  • Software: $35
  • Recovery: $42
  • Transfer: $29
  • Gas/Electricity: $54
  • Classes: $35
  • Rehab: $33
  • Treatment: $37
  • Card Blood : $2

High CPC Keywords List In Google AdSense All Time For YouTube And Blog Sites.

High CPC Keywords List In Google AdSense All Time For YouTube And Blog Sites
Keywords: CPC

  1. Mesothelioma Law Firm: $179
  2. Donate Car to Charity California: $130 
  3. Donate Car for Tax Credit: $126.6
  4. Donate Cars in MA: $125
  5. Donate Your Car Sacramento: $118.20
  6. How to Donate a Car in California : $111.21
  7. Sell ​​Annuity Payment: $107.46
  8. Donate Your Car for Kids: $106
  9. Asbestos Lawyers: $105.84
  10. Structures Annuity Settlement: $100.8
  11. Car Insurance Quotes Colorado: $100.9
  12. Annuity Settlements : $100.72
  13. Nunavut Culture: $99.52
  14. Dayton Freight Lines : $99.39
  15. Hard drive data recovery services: $98.59
  16. Donate a Car in Maryland: $98.51
  17. Motor Replacements: $98.43
  18. Cheap Domain Registration Hosting: $98.39
  19. Donating a Car in Maryland: $98.20
  20. Donate Cars Illinois: $98.13
  21. Criminal Defense Attorneys Florida : $98
  22. Best Criminal Lawyers in Arizona : $97.93
  23. Car Insurance Quotes Utah : $97.92
  24. Life Insurance Co Lincoln : $97.07
  25. Holland Michigan College: $95.74
  26. Online Motor Insurance Quotes : $95.73
  27. Online Colleges: $95.65
  28. Paperport Promotional Code: $95.13
  29. Online Classes: $95.06
  30. World Trade Center Footage : $95.02
  31. Massage School Dallas Texas: $94.90
  32. Psychic for Free: $94.61
  33. Donate Old Cars to Charity: $94.55
  34. Low Credit Line Credit Cards: $94.49
  35. Dallas Mesothelioma Attorneys : $94.33
  36. Car Insurance Quotes MN: $94.29
  37. Donate your Car for Money: $94.01
  38. Cheap Auto Insurance in VA: $93.84
  39. Met Auto: $93.70
  40. Forensics Online Course: $93.51
  41. Home Phone Internet Bundle: $93.32
  42. Donating Used Cars to Charity: $93.17
  43. Ph.D. on Counseling Education: $92.99
  44. Neuson: $92.89
  45. Car Insurance Quotes PA: $92.88
  46. Royalty-Free Images Stock: $92.76
  47. Car Insurance in South Dakota: $92.72
  48. Email Bulk Service: $92.55
  49. Webex Costs: $92.38
  50. Cheap Car Insurance for Ladies: $92.23
  51. Cheap Car Insurance in Virginia: $92.03
  52. Register Free Domains: $92.03
  53. Better Conference Calls: $91.44
  54. Futuristic Architecture: $91.44
  55. Mortgage Adviser: $91.29
  56. Car-Donate: $88.26
  57. Virtual Data Rooms: $83.18
  58. Online College Course: $78
  59. Automobile Accident Attorney: $76.57
  60. Auto Accident Attorney: $75.64
  61. Car Accident Lawyers: $75.17
  62. Data Recovery Raid: $73.22
  63. Criminal lawyer Miami: $70
  64. Motor Insurance Quotes: $68.61
  65. Personal Injury Lawyers: $66.53
  66. Car Insurance Quotes: $61.03
  67. Asbestos Lung Cancer: $60.96
  68. Injury Lawyers: $60.79
  69. Personal Injury Law Firm: $60.56
  70. Online Criminal Justice Degree: $60.4
  71. Car Insurance Companies: $58.66
  72. Dedicated Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting: $53
  73. Insurance Companies: $52
  74. Business VOIP Solutions: $51.9
  75. Auto Mobile Insurance Quote: $50
  76. Health Records, Personal Health Records: $40
  77. Online Stock Trading: $35
  78. Auto RepairShop Mesa AZ: $25
  79. Aftermarket Automotive Warranty: $25
  80. Forex Trading Platform: $20

Top Best Highest CPC Keywords List In Google AdSense. 

The fastest way to find high paying keyword lists (CPC) in Google Adsense. Top 10 most expensive (highest CPC) keywords in Google Adsense. Whether you know it or not, 90% of Google's revenue comes from advertisers. From fitness to entertainment to real estate, advertising generates billions of dollars in annual Google revenue.

If you want to know which Google AdSense keywords have the highest CPC (CPC) and most monthly searches worldwide, here are the top 15 keywords.

No. Keywords: CPC 


2. Offshore accident lawyer: $815.00

3. Best motorcycle accident lawyer: $770.00

4 .18 wheeler accident lawyer San Antonio :$670.00

5. Scranton personal injury lawyer: $560.00

6.Truck accident attorney Dallas: $515.00

7.Houston trucking accident attorney: $500.00

8.Mesothelioma attorney assistance: $490.00

9. New York construction accident lawyer: $485.00

10.Maritime lawyer New Orleans: $485.00

11.California auto accident lawyer: $475.00

12. Auto accident attorney California: $465.00

13.Auto accident attorney colorado springs: $460.00

14.Car accident lawyer Jacksonville: $430.00

15.Truck accident lawyer Dallas: $425.00

The legal industry has some of the highest CPCs in this article. This is mainly due to the intense competition in the legal industry and the high cost of ticketing services. We looked at keywords related to the words "attorney", "lawyer", "legal advice" and other related keywords in the industry. The top ones on the list are: Top Medical Adsense CPC Keywords Pay for Google Adsense keyword lists to generate revenue.

List of Top Keywords for Paying CPC Adsense Keywords for Google Adsense Earnings The interesting thing is that despite targeting keywords about the highest general doctor type that dominated the highest CPC, it is an emergency treatment program and detox acted.

Highest paid CPC keywords 

Not all keywords pay the same price. If you venture into the world of blogging, you need to be strategic about the content you write.

Article ads blend seamlessly with your content and appear in the middle of your blog posts. I like these types of ads because they are very relevant and usually get a lot of clicks.

1. $1,000 CPC keywords

2. List of high CPC keywords

3. High CPC keywords in Bangladesh

4. Best keywords for YouTube

5. High cpc keywords for blogs

6. High CPC keywords for YouTube

Google Adsense Alternatives

Making money from your website or blog is all about placing ads on your website. If you were asked about any of the PPC platforms, would the answer be Google AdSense? If yes, then you are not alone. Google AdSense is a major player in contextual advertising. The platform offers publishers the opportunity to monetize their content and online traffic by making it relatively easy for them to display relevant contextual advertising on their websites.

Disadvantages of Adsense

  • AdSense is great for small websites and blogs. This isn't ideal if you're trying to grow or expand quickly.
  • Getting permission to create a Google AdSense account is not easy, to say the least. In addition, the account approval process is complicated. In order to become a partner, you need to achieve certain indicators. There are other criteria that Google looks for to determine if your website is eligible for the Google AdSense program.
  • Accidentally violating our Terms of Service may also result in your AdSense account being deactivated.
  • Google AdSense lacks a variety of ad types and customization options.
  • Google AdSense is competitively priced, but smaller sites can take a long time to break $100 in sales, so we recommend trying other alternatives.
  • Ad personalization is limited to size and slight color changes. Although alternative networks offer better options.

Advantages of Adsense

  • Adsense allows you to show ads to a wider audience.
  • Increase your income by referring users to specific websites
  • Google has a huge network of advertisers competing for ad space. That means more income.
  • Ads are optimized for mobile and desktop, so readers are more likely to see and click on your ad.
  • You can also customize where your ads appear.

Since its launch in 2003, Google AdSense has attracted millions of active users. Despite the platform's apparent success, it has its limitations.

Simply put, if you don't want to use AdSense for any reason, remember that there are many alternatives to Google AdSense that you can use. Today we are going to list some of the best Google Adsense alternative advertising solutions and explain what you need to know about them. This gives you everything you need to choose the best platform for you.

Top 25  Google Adsense Alternatives

1.  Amazon Associates Program

Of course, Amazon is one of Google's biggest advertising competitors, and the Amazon Associates program has made a huge leap into the mainstream in recent years. Amazon actually invented the affiliate program and has been promoting this game since 1998.

This allows affiliate programs to show you ads through links in your content instead of receiving ads the traditional way. Let's say you are writing a book review. Someone can link a book for their own purchase and earn a commission on the sale. The more people buy from your link, the higher your earnings.

Of course, Amazon has a huge catalog of products to choose from and a huge customer base that already trusts Amazon as a distributor and seller. Joining the affiliate program is easy: you can save items in your cart for 90 days and get discounts.

2.  Adversal

Adversal is another easy-to-use ad serving platform that allows you to set up native ads in minutes. The platform has a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily start, stop, and pause your advertising campaigns.

Adversal allows you to add video, display, and native ads to your website or blog. There is also a default tag management system that filters ads and prevents various scams.

Please note that you need at least 50,000 page views per month to start an ad account. In addition, your website must have its own domain name.

3.  Taboola Native Advertising

Taboola is one of the most popular alternative advertising platforms and one of the most used. It offers 100% fill everywhere, promoted product listings, feeders and customizable widgets, among many other great features.

The three main places where Taboola can be used effectively are social media and networking sites (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. of all kinds) and personal websites that use Google's "managed" search scopes. Everything is managed from the central control panel, but a page width of at least 500,000 is required to get started.

4. Media.net

Media.net is one of the leading providers of contextual advertising and the main competitor of Google AdSense. It's Yahoo! Bing's contextual advertising network, used by bloggers and website owners around the world.

Media.net's biggest advantage over Google AdSense is its higher earnings per thousand impressions (RPM).

Media.net targeting is based on keywords. This technology amplifies contextual advertising, resulting in more clicks.

Another great benefit of Media.net is access to Yahoo! search. and the Bing network. The platform also offers access to a network of clients, allowing you to grow your ad revenue and tap into the rich search market.

Another advantage of Media.net is the variety of design options. Match your ad formats to your site's color scheme.

5. PopAds

Popunder is a general term for pop-up advertisements that appear in various forms on the Internet. PopAds, as you've probably guessed, are the fastest growing merchants that help create, manage, and monetize these ads. The service has existed since 2010 and draws on 10 years of experience in the advertising industry.

You only need 1,000 visitors per month to sign up and get at least $4.00 to hit that limit. However, you can withdraw funds to your AlterPay or PayPay account at any time, and the cost per ad is per impression, so you get paid every time a user sees your ad!

6.  Adcash

Adcash (don’t confuse with Addcash) is another well-known ad serving platform. The platform helps 200 million active users increase their conversions and app installs. 

Adcash allows you to add various ad types, from pop-under ads to standard display ads. Worldwide coverage is another Adcash’s benefit. The platform serves ads for 196 countries, meaning that if your website is located outside the US, you can still monetize your content and traffic with respect to your geographical location. 

Another benefit you will get is Adcash's Anti Adblock Technology. This means that website visitors with enabled Ad Blocker will still get to see ads on your website or blog.  This happens because Adcash manages to bypass ad blockers to increase your earnings.

7. Infolinks

InfoLinks is one of the leading experts in in-text advertising. With InfoLinks, you can create effective video and banner ads.

Utilized by over 100,000 websites and blogs around the world and operating in over 128 countries, including some of the leading brands such as Netflix, Virgin Airlines, Netflix, and many more, Infolinks makes it super easy to monetize any website easily while maximizing engagement and not ruining the style of your website.

There are plenty of ad types to choose from that are also regularly updated, so you know they are only displaying the most relevant and up-to-date content. All you need to do is post the HTML code on your website, and you’ll be good to go!

8. Propeller Ads

Propeller Ads is used by over 150,000 publishers around the world and has been serving these sites for over eight years now. Propeller Ads has a special focus on making sure you don’t receive any spammy looking ads by offering a unique 24-hour moderation service.

This leaves you with only legitimate, relevant ads, and there’s even the ability to sneak past the majority of ad blockers. This can easily increase your revenue by up to 20%. Just head over to the website, sign up for an account, and then start pasting your shortcodes into your website to start making money.

9. Sovrn // Commerce (formerly VigLink)

If you already have a ton of ad links on your website that you want to monetize, Sovrn // Commerce is the ad platform you’re going to want to use. You can automatically create links to your own eCommerce products, Amazon products, or most other well-known affiliate programs (around 30,000 in total). The links are added automatically, and payments made by PayPal to keep things easy and simple.

The platform also allows you to develop custom integrations, from creating customized visual experiences to getting data from the entire sales to funnel.

The Sovrn // Commerce dashboard enables you to keep track of the performance metrics so that you can adjust and improve your strategy. Additionally, you can compare performance metrics across different channels and discover where your viewers go after leaving your website or blog.

10. Google Ad Exchange

If you like the AdSense experience a lot and you don’t really want to move away from it, but the website is growing, and you need something a little more feature-rich, the Google Ad Exchange could be exactly what you’re looking for. Also known as ‘Adx,’ you’ll get paid by Adx based on every 1,000 impressions, rather than per click.

Of course, if you have people that are very engaged with your content and you get a lot of ad clicks, it may be worth sticking with AdSense, but if you’re just getting a lot of views, Adx is for you.

Adx allows access to all vendors and is integrated seamlessly with the Real-Time Bidding technology that means companies get a premium experience, and your readers get the best and most relevant ads in real-time. You’ll also have integrated into services like AdWords and Global DSPs, and can you post your available inventory anonymously, branded, or a combination of both.

With a ton of filtering options, including ad-blocker bypassing, URL blocking, and data and cookie usage blocking, you’ll find this is one of the most complete experiences. A downside is you need to have at least 5 million visitors per month and need a specialist Google account rep to work with you.

11. Revcontent Native Advertising

While you may not have already heard of Revcontent, you definitely will in the future since this is one of the fastest-growing ad platforms in the world, and it’s continuing to make waves across the industry again and again. It’s used by top publishers, including news sites like NBC News and Forbes, who use it as a top content delivery and advertising platform.

Hosting over 250 billion content recommendations, this is not a platform you’re going to want to ignore. There’s an easy minimum payout of $50, which means you can get your money fast, and you can use and customize the widgets to fit any website or blog, and there’s a huge range of earning potential once you tap into what this platform has to offer.

12. Carbon Ads

Owned by BuySellAds, Carbon Ads is the perfect choice for an ad platform if the main audience you’re working with and writing to are developers or designers. As a tech-based website or blog, you can showcase ads that are highly specific for these niches, meaning the chances are much higher your readers will interact more, and you’ll make more money.

Some of the leading technology providers that use this service for their ads include Get Bootstrap, World Vector Logo, JSFiddle, Dribble, Sketch App Resources, Font Awesome, Coding Horror, Laravel, and many more. As you can see, there’s a lot of potential for high-quality ads, no matter what area of design and development you’re into.

As you would expect from design-based ads, the ads found here are extremely high quality and highly targeted so you can ensure your website will stay looking great. However, there are a few criteria you need to meet in order to get an account, such as monthly page views and having vacancy available in their ads program.

13. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser is the final advertising network closing our list of AdSense alternatives. It is another trusted and reliable ad network that specializes in helping publishers monetize their content. With Bidverstiser, you will be able to target ads based on location, keywords, and channels.  

You can customize the ad layouts to fit into your website’s design. When it comes to payment, you’ll earn money for every ad click. The platform offers a low withdrawal threshold of only $10. Additionally, you will get extra revenue for click conversions. 

All of the Bidvertiser’s ad formats are mobile-friendly and include the following: Native ads, Banners, Pop-unders, Smartlinks and, Sliders.

14. Ezoic

Ezoic is a Google certified publishing partner that provides publishers with access to thousands of ad networks, exchanges, and ad partners and includes various sophisticated ad technology with our core Monetization products. 

Ezoic also helps publishers more easily access and navigate sophisticated and premium ad operations through their monetization features. And the best part - anyone can use it. No coding or technical experience is required. Ezoic works with every CMS, host, or website configuration. 

15. Yllix

A less known alternative to Google Adsense is the Yllix Media. It is one of the fastest growing ad networks. Yllix uses a combination of CPM, CPC and CPA to pay publishers. There are no traffic requirements, making it extremely easy to join the network.

16. Adsterra 

Adsterra is challenging the Adsense monopoly. They are a world-renowned ad network with a Partner Care approach, serving over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide. 18K+ direct publishers and 12K+ brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks dealing with mainstream and non-mainstream verticals.

The setup takes less than a minute, supports all ad-formats, and provides a seamless API integration. Adsterra is not recommended for publishers with bare-minimum traffic. To unlock its true potential, you’ll have to have decent traffic.

17. RevenueHits

More than 20,000 publishers worldwide are using Revenuehits to make more money from their ad space. It’s ‘Easy to Join’ integration helps you Sign up in one simple step and instantly benefit from their platform’s intuitive dashboard. Irrespective of how much traffic you have, you’ll be able to generate profits.

RevenueHits also offers various modes of payment and always on time. RevenueHits assures publishers with a clean and safe demand. Their in-house compliance team makes sure the ads are compliant.

18. AdNow

It takes less than a minute to get yourself registered on AdNow and to get going. With support available in over 16 languages, AdNow is a good choice

19. Dianomi

Dianomi, a native advertising platform, a right fit for premium publishers across the globe. Their algorithms analyse, react, evaluate, and act in real time to ensure your readers are presented with advertising in a manner that complements and enhances both the quality and reputation of your publications.

Dianomi works with over 250 premium business and finance publishers to place Dianomi sponsored ads, including articles, videos, infographics and white papers, on their sites. Some of these publishers are WSJ, BBC Global, Forbes and Reuters.

20. Criteo

Criteo is a global technology company that powers publishers with trusted and impactful advertising through their world-leading Commerce Media Platform.

21. Exponential

Unlike other partners that purchase ad inventory at a fixed CPM, Exponential works with their publisher partners on a completely transparent revenue share model. Users are accessing publisher content in a variety of ways today. Exponential addresses this by providing the most dynamic, relevant and engaging ad formats across display, video and mobile.

The only catch is, a publisher would need at least 500k+ unique visitors per month to be eligible to join Exponential network.

22. Inskin Media

Inskin Media delivers high impact digital advertising for more than 1000 leading brands, working with 260 publishers across 2000 premium websites globally. Inskin enables publishers to overcome the ultimate digital dilemma by delivering scalable, high-yielding ads that are both creatively impactful and blend seamlessly with the user experience.

23. Vidoomy

Vidoomy offers the best monetization results to increase the revenues of their Publishers by delivering high impact video advertising campaigns from well-known Brands & Agencies globally. With more than 2000 satisfied Publishers, Vidoomy is able to reach millions of users all over the world, impacting the right audiences for your campaigns.

24. Adblade

Adblade has a full suite of monetization solutions that help publishers to grow their revenue by attracting top advertisers, as well as help monetize inventory that’s not currently generating any revenue.

25. Create Your Own Bidding Solution

If you're looking for a quick and easy solution to monetize your website or blog, this probably isn't the best way, but many companies are working on it and this is the solution. Just make room and show your ad. who offers the highest price. In this regard, prioritize your website security and data storage as well.

The problem here, of course, is finding an applicant and sorting out all the costs, contracts, and payment services, but if you have the time or inclination to work on a private or commissioned advertising project, this could be the way to go. you want to take

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